Happy Labor Day!

What do you know about Labor Day? Here are some facts about this national holiday.

  • September 5, 1882 – New York City holds the first Labor Day parade. It is estimated that 10,000 workers participate. (U.S. Census Bureau) Not all employers support the idea, but many union workers take the first Monday in September off anyway. Some unions levy fines against workers who do go into work. At the time, workers receive time off for Christmas, the Fourth of July and every other Sunday.
  • 1887 – Oregon becomes the first state to make Labor Day a legal holiday.
  • 1894 – President Grover Cleveland and the U.S. Congress make it a national holiday.
  • In the late 1800s the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-days a week to make a basic living.

With all of those fun facts in mind, enjoy your bbq’s, your picnics, and the time with family and friends. Celebrate the last days of summer!

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